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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Boost HDD Performance

Win9x sets DMA to OFF by default. You have to switch it on. In theory, enabling DMA increases UDMA Hard Disk access to 33.3 MB/sec. In practice, speed will increase substantially from the old standard of 16MB/sec. Furthermore, DMA uses only 25% of CPU resources compared to 40% normally. Nearly all 5400rpm/7200rpm, and some lower speed, drives, support DMA.

Now I'll tell you about it. Ready ?

Right-click on "my computer". Now click on "properties". Now search for "devide manager" and click properties of your hard drive. It should have an option called "DMA". By enabling this, your hard drive should show an increase in performance. Also, this method can increase the transfer rate of your CD/DVD-ROM or CD/DVD-Writer, possibly eliminating those under buffer run errors.

Again, an easy tweak which could improve you hard drive's performance

Security Tips and Fraud Prevention

For any User, maintaining the account’s security is the top priority. To augment the security measures that the Online Service Provide on your behalf, there are steps that you can take to help protect your account from fraud and scams.
Note: Here we will be using the URL for explaining you. This can be the Domain name of the Online Service you are Using. But for Explanation Purpose we will be using WebsiteName as the Name of the Website and as the URL.
Website Security
  • Use SSL Connection: To safely and securely access your account, open a new web browser (e.g., Internet Explorer or Netscape) and type the URL in the following way:
  • As you can see I have written https:// instead of http:// which you use normally. This can be used in those website which provide SSL Authentication. Not all Websites provide SSL( Secure Sockets Layer ) but most of the Online Services like GMail, Yahoo, MSN, Orkut, Facebook, eBay etc provide SSL.
Password Safety
  • Never share your password: Any Website representative will never ask you for your password. If you believe someone has learned your password, please change it immediately.
  • Create a secure password: Choose a password that uses a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols. For example, $coo!place2l!ve or 2Barry5Bonds#1. Avoid choosing obvious words or dates such as a nickname or your birth date.
  • Keep your password unique: Don’t use the same password for all the online services such as AOL, eBay, MSN, or Yahoo. Using the same password for multiple websites increases the likelihood that someone could learn your password and gain access to your account.
Email Security
  • Look for a Greeting: Any Website will never send an email with the greeting “Dear WebsiteName User” or “Dear WebsiteName Member.” Real WebsiteName emails will address you by your first and last name or the business name associated with your WebsiteName account. If you believe you have received a fraudulent email, Send a copy of the spoofed e-mail you received to your ISP’s abuse desk. The e-mail address for this is usually or but if you are not sure, visit your ISP’s Web site and search for the information - it will be there.
  • Don’t share personal information via email: Any Website will never ask you to enter your password or financial information in an email or send such information in an email. You should only share information about your account once you have logged in to your Account.
  • Don’t download attachments: Any Website will never send you an attachment or Software update to install on your computer.

Call Forging

Want to Spoof a identity of caller,we have brought some intresting trick.
Call Forging is the trick by which you can spoof the identity of the
caller and misguide the calle.
By call forging the caller identity is spoofed and can be easily done
by the folllowing way.
This post is written for educational purpose and dont misuse it.
Basics of Call Forging
Firstly the voip is used to call via internet PC to a telephone.
In the Voip there is a loop hole which allow a intruder to spoof
a call.
There are many website on the net which provide the facility of the
internet calling.
This website work as follows,first the call the source phone no then
the destiation number and then bridge them togather.
Here there is no authentication done by the website and server are
normally located in US and so tracing of the intruder is not possible.
Thus the intruder logs on to this server and gives a wrong source number
and then place a call over internet which is actually a spoofed call
which shows wrong identity.
Also there a no laws regarding the call spoofing in India and so a intruder
if gets traced is easily backed by the loophole of no laws for it.
thus if you get calls from other numbers dont trust it they may be spoofed
This post is written only for awareness and for educational purpose.